Warrior Willpower Asked for My Unbiased Opinion of Their Warrior Pro® Ice Bath
I was recently contacted by a representative of Warrior Willpower (formerly Spartan Ice Bath) to conduct a review of their Warrior Pro® Full Size Large Ice Bath, and I gladly accepted, given my research of the caliber of this model. I received a complimentary unit for my unbiased opinion. Below is my review.
I go over a lot of the particulars in my video review posted herein, but let me elaborate somewhat here on some of the pros and cons of this ice bath.
How Solid is the Warrior Pro®?
First off, I can say unequivocally that this ice bath is solid. When inflated to the proper PSI, it’s almost indistinguishable from an acrylic bath tub model because it is so robust and sturdy. It is made of extremely high-quality drop-stitch, and for those who aren’t aware of why that is important, drop-stitch construction allows you to utilize higher air pressure inside, offering a more rigid feel. With a high-quality drop-stitch, you can get up to 10 times the pressure of a regular inflatable. So, we aren’t talking about a kiddie pool here, folks. We are talking industrial strength power. It’s like stored energy. You can deflate it and easily move it from place to place, but when it comes time to set it up, it’s like it turns into a brick house.
What is the Capacity of the Warrior Pro®?
Next, I love the length and depth of this ice bath, and that it is horizontal. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with vertical ice baths, just that sometimes it’s nice to be able to stretch out and not feel squeezed. What with the 120-gallon volume this bath is equipped with, it makes it really nice for “Big and Tall” people like myself to efficiently relax in. You don’t need any additional inhibitors when you are exerting the mental fortitude that it takes to do an ice bath in the first place. The dimensions of the Warrior Pro® are 60″ L x 31″ W x 26″ H, so it can easily handle a cold plunger that is up to 6’ 9” tall. Or, even two regular-sized folks. I also like that I can fully immerse myself. It’s not shallow by any stretch of the imagination. I get my full frame inside, and every part of me is exposed to the exhilarating power of cold water immersion therapy.
What is the Portability of the Warrior Pro® Like?
Another unique advantage that you will get from the Warrior Pro® Full Size Large Ice Bath is that it only weighs 15 lbs! For how solid it is, and how strong it is when inflated, it’s hard to believe that the unit only weighs a nominal 15 lbs. But, it’s true. I love that I can inflate and deflate this with ease. It takes just a few minutes to do each, and it comes with a carrying case that makes it easy to transport the ice bath anywhere you want to. At 15 pounds, it’s a breeze to transport. This is a major convenience. I love being able to take it to friends’ homes to set it up and enjoy. It’s really nice to have it be so mobile, and be able to experience it in either a backyard setting, take it with me camping, or just making sure I have it to use when I am on vacation. I’m not limited to one location; it goes where I go.
How Hard is it to Set Up?
You could basically tie your brain up behind your back, and still be able to set up the Warrior Pro® ice bath with ease. I show you exactly how to do it in the video (from unboxing to full set up), and it really is a no-brainer. You wouldn’t even need any instructions to set it up with how intuitive it is. And, you have to admit, there aren’t very many things you can buy that take some set up that you can say that about. I’m not very good with things that take more than a few steps to put together, but this ice bath truly is just a few-minute set up scenario. In fact, the thing that takes the longest is filling it with water. Everything is self-explanatory, and you can get up and going in no time at all.
Do You Have to Buy Anything Else for it to Work?
I only address this here because with a lot of things you buy, you have to buy “upgrades” in order for them to work as you expected them to in the first place. Not so with the Warrior Pro® Full Size Large Ice Bath. It comes with everything you need – you get the unit itself, the double-action hand pump, the inflatable locking lid, the carrying case, and a repair kit. You don’t need to order anything later down the line for it to work how the company claims it works. Now, you definitely can buy a chiller if you don’t want to freeze and refreeze water bottles every time you want to use it, but you don’t have to buy the chiller, and you know upfront that a chiller is an option, but that it is not required. You kind of expect that you’ll need to use ice or frozen water bottles if you don’t buy the chiller to go along with it. So, no knowledge is hidden from you to trap you into an upsell here. Everything you need is included from the get-go.
What are the Cons, Then?
If I had to pick a con, it would be that when I did not use the Warrior Pro® for a few days, and had it in my garage with the lid fastened on, and then took the lid off, it blasted me with the scent of fresh paint. It wasn’t actually fresh paint, though; that smell comes from the off-gassing of VOC’s. It’s fairly common knowledge that new materials will emit this scent for a while until they completely air out after a time. This in no way affects the functionality of the ice bath. Just an observation and a tip to let your new Warrior Pro® to air out completely after setting it up the first time to allow the smell to dissipate.
The only other con I can even think of comes with not having a chiller to make it easier on you to get the water cold. Having to buy ice on a constant basis can get pricey. Again, this is not a necessity, but the added expense of a chiller I think is probably worth it if you will be doing ice baths with any regularity. I’ll likely end up getting a chiller to go with my Warrior Pro®, just because I do ice baths often enough to justify the expense.
Is the Warrior Pro® Full Size Large Ice Bath for You?
If you liked my Warrior Pro® review, and think this premium ice bath may be the right fit for you, please consider using my Warrior Pro® affiliate link. It’s a win-win; that link will give you an additional $100 off on select ice bath tubs on their website.
For additional in-depth reviews, visit my ice bath tub reviews page for at-home cold plunges and venue experiences. For a discount on the Warrior Pro® ice bath, visit my Warrior Willpower Discount Code page.